How to get followers on Face book  without “dirty” tricks

Facebook Likes

Now let’s talk about how to get better followers on Facebook Likes . Although these methods will take more time – compared to “quantity” – the promise is that you will get more relevant followers for your business and that will stay with you in the long term. These users are more likely to increase your ROI in your marketing efforts. And in this method, there are 5 ways to get more followers on Instagram:

Monitor a hashtag in your niche to find your target audience

If you do this daily, you will not only know the trends within your industry, but you will also find people who want to know about you, if they follow you on Face book account.

If you find a publication that captures your attention, look for more information in the profile of that user to see if it merits “follow”. If they have common interests, they will surely follow you back.

If you can, go further. Leave a comment in that post. Just make sure the comment is about the photo – and not about you. (If a user wants to know about you, they can see your profile) A positive comment about a common interest may be enough to follow you back.

Facebook Likes

Monitor a hashtag in your niche to discover user-generated content.

It is similar to the previous method, but at another level. You will be surprised to know that there are already users who publish content about your business, your products or services. And these users will be happy to let you share these photos with your followers … as long as you kindly ask for their authorization.

Users are flattered if a brand thinks its photo is worthy of being shared with more people. And, they are more likely to follow you to see your photo in your account. They can even share your account with their followers. This happened to Pantone, look what happened.