Tattoo Shops need Insurance Policy to avoid risks

tattoo shop insurance

Tattoo and body piercing insurance is a specific business insurance policy designed to help owners of tattoo shops maintain a profitable business. All tattoo studios face risks and to protect against those risks, they need insurance policies.

Whether you require carrying a tattoo liability insurance is dependent on the location of your shop. You have to definitely carry a tattoo business insurance policy if you have obtained a business loan and it is required by your lender, or if you rent your shop space and insurance is required as a term of your lease.

Your shop may face quite a few risks that could probably put you out of business. Your company can be put a stop to these hazards by a tattoo insurance policy.

tattoo shop insurance

Here are the types of business insurance that every tattoo artist or shop should have.

  • Premises Liability Insurance – It is essential to have this policy since mishandling of the inking tools can cause serious outcomes.
  • Property Insurance – It protects the tattoo to cover against fire, vandalism, or inclement weather.
  • Malpractice Insurance – It safeguards tattoo shop owners against employees who secretly operate without the proper licensing or permits. This policy also provides protection against lawsuits by customers who are affected when artists use dirty needles or engage in unsafe actions.
  • Building insurance – If you own the building where your business is running, make sure that it is properly covered for weather and other damages.

Some other insurance include:

  • Permanent makeup insurance
  • Apprenticeship program insurance
  • Sexual abuse insurance
  • Guest artist or piercer insurance
  • Coverage at conventions

The tattoo shop insurance policies come with various coverage options. As a business owner, you have to understand your business needs and know the perfect coverage options that satisfy the needs of your business and budget.