About real-time worker activity tracking

assurance management


Worker activity tracking is the process of monitoring worker activity in real time. This can be done using a variety of methods, including wearable technology, phone apps, and computer programs. InfoSMART worker activity tracking allows managers to see how workers are performing on the job and make changes if necessary. It can also help identify problems early and prevent them from becoming worse.


There are a number of benefits to using worker activity tracking. First, it can help improve productivity by identifying areas where workers are having trouble completing tasks on time or meeting quotas. Second, it can help identify safety issues before they become serious accidents. Third, it can help managers spot problems with employee morale and address them before they become bigger issues. Finally, it can help managers better plan their resources by seeing which employees are over- or under-worked.


There are also a few drawbacks to real-time worker activity tracking. First, it can be intrusive and privacy invasive. Second, it can create competition among workers, leading to decreased morale. Third, it can be expensive to set up and maintain. Finally, the technology used for worker activity tracking can be unreliable and cause problems if not used correctly.


Overall, worker activity tracking is a valuable tool for managers and can lead to significant benefits for companies. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of using this technology before making a decision. If done correctly, worker activity tracking can help a business improve productivity, safety, and employee morale. If done incorrectly, it can lead to privacy concerns and decreased worker productivity.