Delta 8 Tinctures are the Next Big Thing in Cannabis Wellness

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Cannabis enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest cannabis products. Delta 8 tinctures are the newest addition to the world of cannabis wellness, and they’re quickly gaining popularity.

Delta-8 tinctures are similar to CBD tinctures, but they contain delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) instead of cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabis plants naturally contain Delta 8 THC, one of the minor cannabinoids. It’s similar to delta-9-THC, the compound that gets you high, but it has a lower psychoactive effect. Delta 8 tinctures are made by extracting delta 8 THC from the cannabis plant and infusing it into carrier oil, such as MCT oil or hemp seed oil. The tincture is then taken orally, usually by placing a few drops under the tongue. Here are some reasons why delta 8 tinctures are the next big thing in cannabis wellness:

  1. Legal in most states- This is legal in most states, unlike this is still illegal in many states. This is because delta 8 THC is derived from hemp, which is legal under the 2018 Farm Bill. It can be shipped and sold to most states where cannabis is legal.
  2. Mild psychoactive effects- It has a lower psychoactive effect thanĀ Delta 8 tincture usage and delta-8 means it won’t get you as high. It still has some psychoactive effects and is beneficial for those looking for a mild high or relaxed feeling. They are great options for those who want to experience the benefits of THC without feeling too high.
  3. Easy to use– Delta 8 tinctures are easy to use. Before swallowing, place a few drops under your tongue and hold them there for 30 seconds. The effects usually kick in within 30 minutes and can last for a few hours. It makes delta 8 tinctures a great option for those who want a quick and easy way to consume THC.
  4. Discreet- Delta 8 tinctures are discreet. Its doesn’t have a strong odor like smoking or vaping cannabis does and they’re easy to carry around with you. This makes delta 8 tinctures a great option for those who want to consume THC without drawing attention to themselves.
  5. Delta 8 Disposable Vape Pens- In addition to delta 8 tinctures, delta 8 disposable vape pens are also gaining popularity. Delta 8 disposable vape pens are similar to regular disposable vape pens, but they contain delta 8 THC instead of nicotine or CBD.